Tuesday, January 31, 2012


{shadows on the wall}

{by Mr. Loki}

{by Mrs. Loki}

  First snow this winter in Heidelberg
{my window this morning}
{can you see snow?}

Monday, January 30, 2012

in detail...{17/365}

{my new shoes, came today:)}

{by Mr. Loki}

{by Mrs. Loki}

Sunday, January 29, 2012


{breakfast tee}

{by Mrs. Loki}

{by Mr. Loki}

Saturday, January 28, 2012


{tulips in january}

{by Mrs. Loki}

{by Mr. Loki}

Friday, January 27, 2012


{look in this eyes}

{by Mrs. Loki}

{by Mr. Loki}

Thursday, January 26, 2012


{old building}
{by Mr. Loki}

{by Mrs. Loki}

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


{invisible life}
{by Mr. Loki}

{by Mrs. Loki}

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Each coin does have a history but this 1/2 New Sheqel has a special one. Some years ago I brought such a coin with me from my trip to Israel. I always had the coin in my wallet for good luck. Unfortunatly someday I lost my wallet and so was my 1/2 coin gone too.
Last year my good friend from Israel came to visti me and I told her a story. She grabed then her wallet and found this 1/2 New Sheqel coin in there, and gave it to me. Now everytime I see this coin it makes me smile, not just because of the "1/2" but also because of my friend.

{from Mr. Loki}

{and Mrs. Loki}

{look who I met today...love the sight of the paw}

Monday, January 23, 2012


{from Mr. Loki}

{and from Mrs. Loki}

Sunday, January 22, 2012


{beauty tools}
{Mr. Loki's tools}

{Mrs. Loki's tools}

Saturday, January 21, 2012



Friday, January 20, 2012

with a ruffle...{7/365}

{dress with ruffles}

{a napkin flower from Mr. Loki}

{trampoline form Mrs. Loki}

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I'm totaly in love with all kinds of postcards, I love to send and especially to receive them. Everytime a postcard strays in my mailbox, it like something special is going to happen. A postcard means somebody thinks about you, want to say HI to you. And all the different poststamps and views on the postcards...they are all different but so adorable!
So it is hard for me to throw away the received postcards. But I've finnaly managed to organize my cards and got one of my Pinterest projects done!

{organized postcards}
{from Mrs. Loki}

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The written word...{5/365}

{this quote is my life motto from now on}

{from Mr. Loki, love this idea!}

{from Mrs. Loki, diary pages about adventures in New Zeland}

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today's theme was realy tough. I had no idea for the photo, so I just took a picture of the youtube video with Wall-E and bouncy balls.

{bouncy balls}
{from Mr. Loki}

{Mrs. Loki}

Here is the mentioned video{it is so cute}:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Childhood memories...{3/365}

May I introduce - Cheburashka. Cheburashka is a character from my favorite childhood cartoon. My friend sent me this Cheburashka doll. Now, everytime I look at it, I have to smile:). Thanks to my dear friend!


{Mr. Loki's memories...}

{...and Mrs. Loki's childhood memories}

And here is a video clip from the cartoon: